Week Commencing 1st October 2018

Monday 1st October

Season Rehearsals:

Today in our season Rehearsals we focused on finishing “Blast from the past”. However, we also had the aim of beginning to map out the beginning choreography and staging for the opening number “Enrico Fermi High”. We had Rob for this Rehearsal, so the content was very dance heavy.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt that this was a very crucial rehearsal and allowed us to be able to finish the biggest dance heavy number, allowing us to have a lot of cleaning time.
  • I think that now we have finished the dance content for the dance, it is important that we add in our harmony lines so we feel confident with doing both at once and not focusing on only one.
  • Everybody worked well. However, in our cleaning rehearsals I think that the spacing needs developing so it can be it’s nearest.

Breaking this down:


I believe that it is good that we were able to work very hard, enabling us to be at the top of our game, allowing us to finish the routine as a whole. Additionally, it is also good that we could make a start on the opening number “Enrico Fermi High”. This is very positive as it is showing that ware making good progress and able to work on the completed items in free time and clean these- leaving rehearsal time for new tasks.


There are still many things which I believe need more time. However, I am confident that we will get these done. I know that everyone knows what will need cleaning in sessions. Therefore, we have personal things to fix such as spacing and technique. Additionally, as soon as we begin to do the harmony lines and choreography at the same time, the quicker we will progress.

Evaluative Analysis:

We still have 59 days until the opening night, allowing us plenty of time to develop our content and work on new things in rehearsal time and in our own time. We have now completed a whole routine which is successful and began the next dance heavy choreographic routine- which is positive. We are working very well to achieve our goals and having a good mindset to work well in each individual rehearsal. Due to our dance captains, it is great that we can have rehearsals which are led, if rob is unable to attend. However, now that we have began to work in Enrico Fermi, we can make this our main focus. It is also crucial that as chorus members, we are on top of our game recapping harmony lines and choreography all of the time- so that our memorisation is clear throughout the process and we are constantly making progress and not going over old tasks.

Action plan:

  • To have a lunchtime rehearsal this week and work on spacing and technique for our first finished routine.
  • I intend to go home and recap my harmony lines regularly so that I can continue to sing to any learnt song and benefit how this fits with the dance.


Tuesday 2nd October

Season Rehearsals:

Today in rehearsals we worked with Claire until 4 on the song “As good as it gets”. We worked through individual harmony lines and learnt a unison tune throughout as well as continuing our work on “Enrico Fermi High” in the last hour.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt that we had made excellent progress as we had the opportunity to work on both aspects of singing and dance in this rehearsal.
  • We had finished as good as it gets, showing that everybody was trying as hard as they could to be able to move on and make progress.
  • We also began to work on the boys’ section of the opening number and the very beginning of the group sections.

Breaking this down:


It was very positive that we managed to get onto to also dancing in this rehearsal. I believe that time keeping and working to this is encouraging us to work harder to want to get more done each rehearsal. Also, it’s good that we were able to move on in “Enrico Fermi High” and didn’t have to recap what we did in the previous rehearsal. It shows that we are spending time practising outside of scheduled season times.


I believe that there was nothing for this rehearsal that could be interpreted to have a negative impact on the performance or creation of the rehearsal and what we did.

Evaluative Analysis:

As we have now moved into our third week of rehearsing as a company, I believe that everybody is beginning to think towards the performance date, determined to finish and work on as much as possible in one rehearsal. Also, I believe that as Claire could only stay till 4, we had a boost to finish the song in the hour to be able to move on to the opening number and progress. This helps us as we are now beginning to be able to focus on the two, and sing our harmonies as we begin to learn choreography for a new routine. If we already know the harmonies, it’s important that we recap these at home to be able to reinforce these as we learn something knew. Additionally, we didn’t have to recap any choreography from the previous rehearsal, we could move on- reinforcing the fact that spending extra time on things outside of school time is very beneficial. I believe that there are still things to develop and work on. This gives us something to be able to work towards in every rehearsal, showing that we are progressing further and further.

Action plan:

  • To go over choreography at home so that I am fully ready to perform it and move on in the next rehearsal.
  • To regularly re cap my harmony lines- so that these can be enforced when I am dancing and picking up new choreography.

Wednesday 3rd October

Season Rehearsals:

Today in season Rehearsals we began to further map out Enrico Fermi High, further adding to the choreography. However, we first began our rehearsal by planning on how to sell more tickets and guarantee a full house or very close to this in every performance of the show.

Initial thoughts:

  • I think that we worked well to be able to add a good amount of choreography and staging to “Enrico Fermi High”, moving on and setting ourselves up to be able to finish the routine very soon.
  • Planning on how to progress with selling tickets is great as it provides us with even more ways to begin to sell them and gives us the determination for a full house.

Breaking this down:


It was very positive that we were able to add further to the opening number. This meant that we had set ourselves up to be able to finish the number very soon. Also thinking of new ways to sell tickets and being able to guarantee a positive sell out with an audience each night. This also sets up the cast to have the determination to want to sell out each night, so we can perform to a large audience.


I believe that there were so many positive aspects to this season rehearsal. However, if there is one thing I believe we can fix or work on it would be our spacing and timing as a company. However, this will come in time as we rehearse more and as we schedule regular cleaning rehearsals with our dance captains.

Evaluative Analysis:

It shows great work ethic from every member of the company as we are working though each number at a positive rate. We also work alongside our dance captains to add to the routines if we do not have Rob for the rehearsal. Particularly focusing on the section of “Rebel without an H”, we were able to split into groups for the choreography requirements and learn this. Splitting into groups of three as a part of the choreography is very helpful and reflects what is happening melodically and harmony wise throughout this section. Furthermore, spending time at the beginning of the rehearsal writing down any definite ticket sales per person or tickets we hope to sell, gives us an idea of what we need to be aiming for to reach our goal of a full audience each night. I believe that this is a positive thing as it gives us the ambition and determination as a company for the best results as an audience to perform our show to. This rehearsal also gave us an idea of time, setting ourselves up to want to finish the opening number by Friday (the end of the week), so that we have a lot of spare time to clean and tidy aspects of the dance with Jessica and Maddie.

Action Plan:

  • To watch back the recordings of the days rehearsal to see what can individually be improved on for the next day, based on timing and technique.
  • To continue to recap harmonies for this specific song as it is nearly finished. I believe that the sooner we have the choreography and harmonies nailed as a performance, the quicker we can move on to something new.


Thursday 4th October

Season Rehearsals:

Today in season Rehearsals, we focused on working with our musical director Claire on a new song. We had moved onto the next song in the score which was “Rules, Regulations and Respect”. However, we also did the encore and reprise of this song. The song is sang by Miss Strict and any chorus parts is filled in and sung by the rest of the company.

Initial thoughts:

  • We worked very well to finish the song, reprise and encore of “Rules, regulations and respect”.
  • As I missed a section of today’s rehearsal, I may be a bit behind and need to catch up on the final section of the reprise.

Breaking this down:


I think that it is a good start to see that we have moved onto a new song and was able to work through as much of this as possible and completing more than the number itself; by moving onto the encore and reprise. This is showing that we are using the time with the best of our ability, working at our best to concentrate and nail the harmonies as well as moving on speedily.


As I had to leave this rehearsal approximately 30 minutes before our scheduled finishing time, I may have missed any given harmonies in the final reprise of the song. This is my job to catch up on these and go over them in my spare time.

Evaluative Analysis:

We worked very well to complete all three arrangements of this song. However, as we managed to fit in quite a lot it is our job to go home and go over anything we may not be 100% confident on- this means that we are saving time in the following rehearsal. It is positive that we are all still recording our harmony lines, showing that we have the determination to nail these and want go over them in our own time. However, as I left this rehearsal early, there are some bits which I am not 100% caught up on. This is my responsibility to catch up on these and listen to and receive a recording of the harmony line I am on for this song (which is tenor). I believe that if everybody continues to work hard on harmony lines, we will be able to enforce these at the same time as learning a routine, putting us in the position to be moving on at a rapid pace and progressing well and further each time.

Action plan:

  • To receive a recording of somebody who sings the exact same part as me for the final section of the reprise which I need to catch up on.
  • To go over anything from the other sections so that I am very confident on my part when it comes to staging.

Friday 5th October

Season Rehearsals:

Today in seasons, we managed to finish the opening number of the show. This was our main aim for the rehearsal, we worked with Rob, Han and our two dance captains on this.

Initial thoughts:

  • I was very glad that we managed to finish the routine in today’s rehearsal, showing that we can now focus on cleaning this and moving on.
  • As we recorded this, we can now watch ourselves back and see what we need to work on individually and as a group. We can do this inside season Rehearsals or schedule a time to do this at lunch or in any independent study sessions.

Breaking this down:


I believe that it is very good to see that we have finished this routine as a whole, meaning that we have finished two major dance heavy routines and numbers. We also recorded the rehearsals so are in a good position to be able to see what we need to work on and improve as an individual in any of these numbers .


I don’t think that there was anything in this rehearsal that could be considered to have a negative impact. We all worked very well to be able to finish the number, which we can all now recap in our own time and watch anything back that we are unsure of.

Evaluative Analysis:

Now that we have finished the number “Enrico Fermi High” with choreography and anything musically done, this means that it is our responsibility to rehearse outside of season time. This means that we will be going over this in our own time and scheduling time to do this with our two dance captains Jessica and Maddie. We have now completed two very dance heavy numbers. We also still have a lot more to complete. However, I believe that if we work our hardest throughout every rehearsal, with the determination to be the best that we can be, our progress will be outstanding and we will be working at a very positive rate- with an exciting show to look forward too.

Action plan:

  • To continue to go over any harmonies, choreography or movement that has been finished so that we can move on quickly in the following rehearsal.
  • To watch myself back in any recorded clips to see what I need to improve on personally as well as what we could work on with Jess and Maddie as a company.

Technique Class

Monday 1st October

Today in our intermediate Jazz class with Rob, we worked very hard on technique and flexibility in our warmup. Additionally, our main aim for the class was to continue to work on the routine for the flash mob, adding to choreography and cleaning and recapping anything we may be unsure of from the previous week.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt happy that I was able to remember what we did in the previous week and was up to date with any choreography.
  • I feel like I am improving in hip-hop, as this is the dance style which I have studied least.
  • I feel positive that I am picking up the choreography quickly and asking Rob if I am unsure on anything.

Breaking this down:


I believe that it was good that we were all picking up the choreography and movement at a fast pace. Additionally if any of us got stuck we always ask Rob and go over this. This helps us to develop what we are doing at all times. Also everyone in the class is very supportive of one another- helping if anyone is stuck or unsure and running the routine together.


I would like to improve on my idea of isolating the movements and making them smaller, connecting more with the style and choreographic intent of the routine.

Evaluative Analysis:

We have been working on this routine for 3 weeks, developing and adding to it each week- with new choreography and expression- developing levels and meaning. I also feel that we are progressing as we are focusing on the idea of “healthy competition”, and having the determination to always work at the best level that we can to nail this routine and have it at a very high standard when it comes to the flash mob. I believe that if we continue to go over this at home then we will improve greatly. As there are so many small movements, the hardest thing is sometimes being able to grasp the smallest things such as: a turn of the head or point of the foot.

Action plan:

  • To recap the routine in my own time, with the focus of wanting to perfect the smallest moments which are crucial to how the routine is portrayed.
  • To feel confident with the memorisation with every part of the routine we have completed.

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