Week Commencing 8th October 2018

Monday 8th October

Season Rehearsals:

Today in season rehearsals, we worked with Rob as a cast to stage and set the number “This is as Good as it Gets”. We finished the whole song, with only approximately 4 bars of 4 to finish. We performed alongside a track to develop the routine through the two hours.

Initial thoughts:

  • I think that it shows great progression to have started the routine and finished this, except from the small amount remaining at the end.
  • I also think that we have a lot of cleaning now we are so close to finishing due to the quick paces and small movements.
  • I think that we should recap and watch ourselves back to realise where any individual mistakes may be.

Breaking this down:


Our progress rate of the rehearsal was very good. I believe that this was due to knowing harmonies, lyrics and having high focus throughout. We are all very aware of the date we are working towards. Therefore, we are recapping and watching ourselves back to fix any individual things and showing us we need to work towards. We are also planning on scheduling cleaning sessions in advance.


Due to learning the routine at a fast pace, it was very easy to make mistakes with spacing and timing. However, scheduling cleaning sessions should clear up any confusion.

Evaluative Analysis:

Beginning this week we have exactly 8 weeks left until the shows open on the 28th November. This gives us a very high perspective of how we need to work in order to have the highest standard possible. The song “As good as it gets”, is exactly 1 minute and 43 seconds long, with every company member on stage for the whole time. I believe that we managed to work well within the time as everybody had a had a high level of focus and was very warmed up. I believe that we were very ready to dance due to doing a company warm up at the start, involving a large amount of cardio and corner work. The choreography related very much to the terms of the lyrics. This meant that it stuck in our heads very easily throughout the process of the rehearsal. I believe that watching ourselves back is seen to be very effective as we can pick up on anything that is different from others and that we need to fix. I also think that cleaning would be very beneficial as it means we have time with our dance captains to have everything that they want in the same way. I also think that we are working at a very good rate of making progress.

Action plan:

  • To recap harmonies for this song and watch myself back so that I can make sure I am as confident as possible on all my parts.

The videos from today’s rehearsal are the 5th,6th,7th and 8th on the playlist.

Tuesday 9th September

Season Rehearsals:

Today in season Rehearsals, we worked with Claire until 4, recapping “Rules, Regulations and respect”, the reprise of this and blast from the past. From 4pm until 5, we continued to clean the routine “As good as it gets” with our dance captains Jessica and Maddie.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt that the cleaning session was very helpful as it gave us clarification with any movement and spacing issues.
  • Going over “Blast from the past” was very crucial to myself as I had to leave the rehearsal early this day when it was taught.
  • Working on spacing in particular and timing helped the cleanliness majorly as everyone was doing the same thing at the same points.

Breaking this down:


It was positive that we recapped the songs as this gave us an opportunity to fix any problems and see how it fits together further when we have a better idea of what happens at a particular time. Additionally, cleaning the routine we learnt yesterday meant that we could fix any problems in early stage, giving us confidence as we perform it more.


There may have still been some collisions as we made transitions due to position placements. But, this will become easier and simple as we continue to repeat the routine and begin runs.

Evaluative Analysis:

I feel that cleaning sessions are particularly very helpful. This gives us an opportunity as a cast to be able to fix anything which may seem odd or incorrect early in the process. We also spent time doing an hour of singing with Claire, also recapping two songs, and began to dance for an hour. This meant that we had an hour on both objectives. Working on both is particularly helpful as the rate of progression will be the same. Having our dance captains Jessica and Maddie in the rehearsals is very beneficial when Rob can not attend. This means that there is an eye for detail at all times, helping us with anything which could be improved to look better. This also means that we have them to ask any questions to if there is a problem. The dancing improved vastly in this cleaning session. I believe that clarification from our captains on certain movements helps us to develop our timing and technique throughout the performance and this particular routine. We changed the ending to the routine slightly, improving our spacing. However, there is only 2 bars of 4 to finish which can be done very soon.

Action plan:

  • To go over the routine and watch back the recordings of any changes so that these stick in my mind.
  • To highlight my harmony lines in “Blast from the Past”, so that when I listen to my harmony line I can relate it to this.

Wednesday 10th October

Season Rehearsal

Today in season Rehearsals, we began by going over “As good as it gets”, finishing the final 2 bars of 4, adding a final position and movements when transitioning at the end. After this, we began to clean “Blast from the past”, changing space to fit in a turn on the great vine as we realised when are more refined to space. Therefore, we added extra lines and also swapped positions in parts. Finally, we spent the last 45 minutes, in our harmony parts going over everything musically when had done so far.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt that changing the positions, improving spacing problems was very helpful.
  • Adding an ending means that we have now completely finished the number “As good as it gets”.
  • Being able to recap every song in our season rehearsal was helpful as we had everyone on our parts there as-well.

Breaking this down:


Changing the placements of our spaces and positions for “Blast From the Past” meant that we now had a lot more room and could dance full out consistently without any collisions. We went over and performed “As good as it gets”, performing well and not having to recap anything, we could then finish the number. Also having the final half an hour to re-cap any songs we may have had confusion with.


The space was very close to our original stage space. However, it is a tiny bit smaller meaning that it’s not exactly what we will have.

Evaluative Analysis:

I believe that we are all working very well to be able to finish numbers quickly and move on. We focused very well in the previous two rehearsals and today, meaning that we managed to quickly run the number and finish the final few parts which we needed to add to or complete. We added a final group pose and some movements leading into this. We spent the next 30 minutes going over “Blast from the Past” as we had not visited this in a while. We realised that there may have been issues with spacing as we completed 16 counts including a great vine and this turning. Therefore, we just changed the spacing of approximately 9-10 people, moving them across to create a new formation. We found that this worked better as we individually had more space to go full out and execute each movement, especially the turns. Finally we were given just over half an hour to go over any songs and harmonies with this- we fixed any confusion and had the chance to surround ourselves with people on the same part.

Action plan:

  • To go over the new added ending for “As good as it gets” so it’s in my head fully.
  • To watch the videos back from today and fix anything which may have been incorrect.


Thursday 11th October

Season Rehearsals

Today in season rehearsals we ran the number “As good as it gets”, to ensure what we could remember what we had added to the routine in the previous rehearsal. Then, we learnt harmonies for the song “It’s alive”. after this, I stayed with Claire alongside the other secretaries to work on “That’s the beat for me”. After this, the ensemble separated from the principles to work on all the songs and our group harmonies.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt that everyone remembered the improvements to the routine well.
  • As we learnt the new song as the secretaries, I was on my own harmony part and felt confident with this.
  • In the group rehearsal as we went over songs, we progressively improved.

Breaking this down:


I felt that it was good and showed very good improvements that we all remembered what we were doing throughout the run through of “As Good As It Gets”. Additionally, as I was the only female tenor, I held my part throughout the learning process of this which is positive. As I recorded this, I can also look back on what we did. Finally, working as a group to go over every song we had done worked well as we had a chance to recap and work on anything we felt less confident on.


As we were recapping every song, we found errors in a few, where we need to go over them more. However, this can also be a positive thing as it means that we personally know what we need to fix.

Evaluative Analysis:

We have approximately 7 weeks left until we open for show week. Therefore, managing our rehearsal time well and doing parts of both singing and dancing means that we have the opportunity to do parts of the two aspects. In my opinion, this means that we are making consistent progress in both elements.

Additionally, recapping harmonies and our melodic structure for each song we have done so far meant that we had the opportunity to fix anything we personally know needs working on. I think that this is effective as it means that we can do it at our own pace and speed in harmony groups and can use the cast for runs of each if we would like to.

I was very pleased to have been added into the character Eddie Flagrante’s song. I hold my own line as a female tenor, I felt positive about this as I held it strongly alongside all of the other parts around me. I believe that finding my note was the hardest part, listening to the track and my recorded harmony can improve this.

We still have so much time to fix any parts. Therefore, we need to spend any spare rehearsal time going over songs repeatedly.

Action Plan:

  • To go over every song we have done so far at the weekend and sing my harmony with the track.
  • To dance every number we have staged so far.


Friday 12th October

Season Rehearsals

Today in season rehearsals we worked closely with Rob and our dance captains on the number “Rules, Regulations and Respect”. We staged the first 3 sections and groups and finished with a group section of tight and controlled arm movements in canon.

Initial thoughts:

  • We concentrated well to secure the section in canon and ensure that everybody was on their counts, sticking to their pairings.
  • Working on the sections in smaller groups worked well as it meant that we could get things done at a fast pace.
  • Recording different sections means we can watch the process and look back at what we may be unsure on.

Breaking this down:


I believe that it positive that everybody maintained such a high level of focus in order to grasp the fast section of movements in canon. Additionally, working in smaller groups means that we can work faster and it makes it easier to dance full out when picking up new choreography. Finally, recording the stages, means that we can reflect on progress and go over anything we are unsure of.


At times on a couple steps, we struggled to fit them in with the timing of the music. The two box steps needed to be completed around our partner in a short space of time. However, to do this we will have to go outside the music.

Evaluative Analysis:

We have officially finished our 4th week of rehearsing as a company for “Zombie Prom”. I believe that our rehearsal today was particularly effective as we managed to start new choreography from scratch and work to 3/4 of the way through. Knowing the song well and our harmonies meant that it was so much easier to focus on picking up the choreography. Today’s rehearsal was particularly great as everybody had a high understanding of the steps/movements to perform well. I think that the fast section of repeated moves in canon will be extremely effective when perfect, as everybody will have nailed their counts. Learning the choreography at different points in our small groups was beneficial as we had a great amount of space and could ask easily if we were ever stuck. The more that we look back at any rehearsal recordings and tracks means that we will be constantly familiar with what we’re doing and be fully refreshed for the next rehearsal on the routine. If we do this for every number and continue to maintain this focus, we will continue to progress very well.

Action plan:

  • To recap my harmony line for “Rules, Regulations and Respect”. This will ensure I am on top of what I am doing and can focus purely on new choreography.
  • To go over any choreography we have done so far, to make sure everything is fresh in my mind.

Technique Class

Monday 8th September

Today we had an intermediate Jazz class with Rob. We spent a lot of time focusing on flexibility work and warming our bodies up, particularly in a gentle way. After this, we worked on cleaning and re capping the choreography that we had learnt for the routine which is going to be used for our flash mob.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt very pleased that I was able to complete the warm up and get my left split and be able to transition from my right split to my left.
  • I felt much more confident with the placement of each movement after the cleaning process.
  • I feel that we are now in the best position to be able to add to our routine.

Breaking this down:


I believe that stretching regularly and at a consistent rate has led to me getting my left split. Additionally as we are doing this in most classes, this will hopefully be secured further. Also, as we had gone over the routine, cleaning every placement of the movements and going over timing and spacing I now felt very confident with the routine and most aspects of this. I was also very pleased to be able to transition in my splits.


Sometimes it is very easy to lose track of he movements and forget the smallest things which are however crucial to how the routine is executed. This means that going over this routine regularly can prevent this from happening.

Evaluative Analysis:

We have now spent 4 weeks on this routine, developing the movement, our technique, spacing and control throughout. I believe that our most recent class was very beneficial. This idea and use of time by cleaning and constantly going over the dance helped me majorly. I believe that recapping the routine and performing over and over again helps all the aspects of content to stick in my head so that nothing is forgotten. Doing a thorough warmup before a quick routine like this is crucial as it means that we can execute every movement with full energy, showing us as we watch ourselves back what needs to be improved at that moment in time. Cleaning sessions are very handy as they mean that this part is at a very high standard and we have now set ourselves up to be able to move on and add to this in the next jazz class. We also went over ideas for how we may want to perform this in the actual flash mob, changing formations and how many people perform in each section. However, we can begin to do this once we have learnt the whole routine and are 100% ready to begin setting.

Action plan:

  • To record this dance so that I can watch myself back and look critically in different sections of the routine.
  • To download the track and practise at home to improve my technique in this style further.

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