Week Commencing 4th March 2019

Monday 4th March


Description: Today we had our first day of auditions for the next season shows, beginning the session with dance, followed by making a start on the acting pieces.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt quite nervous going into these auditions today.
  • I felt that it was very important to make characteristics the main focus rather than picking up the choreography.
  • I felt that my first acting piece performed today went well.

Breaking this Down:


  • I felt quite nervous going into these auditions today.

I had not worked with the required accents before. Therefore, I felt that it was very important to challenge and push myself as we made a start with these today. additionally, I always try to use my nerves in a positive way to push and drive my performance for a positive outcome.

  • I felt that it was very important to make characteristics the main focus rather than picking up the choreography.

I tried my best in the given time to balance both technique and characterisation. However, at most points this was not realistic going to happen. Therefore, I decided to create the goal of prioritising my characteristics and then performing the choreography driven by this.

  • I felt that my first acting piece performed today went well.

I performed one of my scripts today, with two remaining as I played Sally in our scene of 4 from Cabaret. I felt that this ran smoothly and went as well as we had previously rehearsed.



Evaluative Analysis:

Initially we spent 30 minutes on dance today and an hour making a start on some pieces for the acting auditions. When dancing, I felt that in the short amount of time I had to make either character or technique my focus. I decided to pull out a character, making this more distinct and interesting. This is always key as grasping choreography can be developed overtime. But, in the end I felt that I held a successful performance putting both in equal placements. I  think that this was because when focusing on my character I began to let go a little more, helping me to relax and allowing the movements I was performing to connect and flow on a better level.

I was initially very nervous for the whole course of the acting auditions. They were very tailored to distinct accent work, which initially worried me for this. However, once working on the German and Yorkshire over the weekend and in a voice class with Erica, I felt sustainably more confident and feel that I understood which ways are best for me to learn them. Once feeling more confident with these, I practised this afternoon for the character of Mrs Perks (Yorkshire accent and The Railway Children script), Sally (RP English and Cabaret Script) and finally developing the character of Robert’s Wife from Dead Famous. However, we only got around to fitting in approximately 1/3 of auditions today, myself performing with my Cabaret group. I feel that this went well as it was the accent that I felt most comfortable with, meaning I relaxed and eased more into the performance.

Action Plan:

  • To continuously recap my Yorkshire accent and rehearse all acting pieces with my groups.
  • Carry on individual rehearsals for the singing audition tomorrow.

Tuesday 5th March


Description: Today we had the singing aspect of our three-part audition for the summer shows.

Initial thoughts:

  • I think that we had a great amount of time to prepare this, including over the weekend and throughout the day.
  • I feel that this session took longer than initially planned, delaying the next round of auditions.
  • I feel that my nerves overpowered my characterisation and control at some points.

Breaking this Down / Analysis


  • I think that we had a great amount of time to prepare this, including over the weekend and throughout the day.

We were given our material for this Saturday morning. This meant that we had a substantial amount of time to put this into great perspective and to feel as confident as possible with the small passage from “Don’t Tell Mama”. I personally think that we were very fortunate to be given this much time and with very helpful resources on the side. We had time in the audition to go over the song three times as a group to grasp the different backing track. But, on the whole I felt this time given to us was very beneficial and helpful as we could learn the words and melody strongly within this time and also develop a strong and detailed character from this.


  • I feel that this session took longer than initially planned, delaying the next round of auditions.

Today the session took longer than anticipated. We believed that we may have been able to act for the final hour of the session and work our way through more of our pieces. However, this did not happen and I believe that this was purely due to the amount of girls we had to get through. We had to split these up into two groups, which therefore took up more time. This took us approximately an hour and 45 to get through both boys and girls, females taking up twice the time of males. This meant that there was not much time to begin acting, so it would be better to start this in the next session to be all completed at once.

  • I feel that my nerves overpowered my characterisation and control at some points

I decided to step forward for my audition when we were approximately three-quarters of the way through the group. Unfortunately for me I think this built my nerves up and contributed to these overpowering my control at points. I felt that this happened on the biggest notes in particular. However, I tried to focus mainly on characterisation over technique. It was just very unfortunate that I felt unsteady on my top notes and let my nerves overpower occasionally. I would like to invest and think that it would be very useful to get feedback from the tutors and I will do this ASAP for my site pages also.

Action Plan:

  • To get some feedback from the auditions
  • To complete more acting preparation tonight to ensure I feel very confident tomorrow.

Wednesday 6th March

Today we were absent due to an audition day for the new intakes.

Thursday 7th March


Description: Today we had the final round of auditions, focusing on finalising any acting pieces.

Initial thoughts:

  • I was very happy with how my remaining two pieces went.
  • I was particularly happy with my accent work in the extract from the “Railway Children”.
  • I think that we did well with everything to accomplish the remaining pieces from everyone today.

Breaking this Down:


  • I was very happy with how my remaining two pieces went.

In my opinion I felt that my acting pieces went very well. I was especially happy to feel that my Yorkshire accent went to plan and the paired scene ran swiftly, as well as my group piece for ‘Dead Famous’ going exactly to plan.

  • I was particularly happy with my accent work in the extract from the “Railway Children”.

This accent was Yorkshire. In comparison to my initial thoughts of worry and confusion at this, I feel that my work on this led to a very positive outcome. I found my voice class on the Monday particularly helpful to grasp the details of this.

  • I think that we did well with everything to accomplish the remaining pieces from everyone today.

There was approximately 2/3 of acting pieces to get through today and for all tutors to watch. I think that we did particularly well to make our way through all of these in a very organised order and form.



Evaluative Analysis:

We spent the whole session today making the focus to work through and complete all acting pieces. The approach was taken of performing both your pieces if your groups were available and close and then you could leave. In my opinion, this created a very orderly and accurate system which saved a large amount if time from being wasted. I performed my two pieces very close to each other and felt that they both went well and to plan.

Myself and both groups had a very good amount of time to prepare inside college and feel that both groups were very organised and on task whenever rehearsing. I felt slightly more confident with my paired scene as this was rehearsed a tiny bit more, as it was a small group it was easy to meet. With a bigger group, when we are all rehearsing other things it can be very difficult to come together. I think that we are all very dedicated and hardworking so we worked very quickly and all knew what our character choices were. However, on the whole I’d say both had a great level of preparation, sending us all in with high levels of confidence.

The next stages are to find out which company we have all been placed in, which I am very excited for and to start rehearsing!

Action Plan:

  • To ensure that I am keeping up to date with my WordPress.
  • To make sure that I am going to import my site pages as soon as they are available so I can make a start on these ASAP.

Friday 8th March

Conservatoire East trip to ‘Move it 2019’ and ‘The play that goes Wrong’



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