Week Commencing 11th March 2019

Monday 11th March

Season Rehearsals

Description: After finding out on Friday that I have been placed in the company of Cabaret, we had our first rehearsal as a company today, focusing on workshopping ideas for “Two Ladies” and learning a Fosse routine whilst some were completing call-backs.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt that all groups created a good adaptation of the number “Two Ladies”.
  • I loved leaning the Fosse routine as I really enjoy this style of dance and have never been in a show featuring this style.
  • I feel that I focused on the dance specifically over characteristics, which I feel may have not benefitted me.

Breaking this down:


  • I felt that all groups created a good adaptation of the number “Two Ladies”.

I was working with Fi and Ethan for this task. Personally, I think that me and Felicity work very well together and think very similarly when it comes to choreography. This meant that we had great ideas for ourselves and Ethan, when it came to developing his male part.

  • I loved leaning the Fosse routine as I really enjoy this style of dance and have never been in a show featuring this style.

I feel that today showed us how truly cheeky some of these routines will be and what characteristics we will need to be bringing out of ourselves. This style of dance is very fun and I think it is something I will really enjoy developing throughout the whole process.


  • I feel that I focused on the dance specifically over characteristics, which I feel may have not benefitted me.

Throughout today I feel that I made correction and technique my main focus, over character. I think that this may have let me down a little bit as I should have brought a character out of myself more as this is what they want to see. However, I think that in the moment I was worried about completing the choreography well.

Evaluative Analysis:

I was very happy with out choreographic outcome of “Two Ladies”. I felt that our group had a very good understanding of the task and what we had to do. I felt that watching the videos before from film versions helped us to grasp the general idea of the trio in detail before we made our own. We watched various versions and saw which were the best ways to go about some minor choreography like this. On the whole, I think that me and Fi worked very well together and understood what this piece required. However, I think that we would both agree that we focused more on the choreography than characterises which may have given us a slight disadvantage.

The fosse routine was very much something that interests me and is my cup of tea. I really enjoyed learning a small section of a routine like this, also being able to add our own spin. Relating to earlier in the day, I feel that I could have let loose by going for it more. I really restricted myself when it came to bringing out a detailed character and I felt that I should have priorities this instead of worrying so much about choreography.

I am sure that the castings will be released soon and we are all very excited to begin rehearsing knowing the specifics of the show.

Action Plan:

  • To make my characterises my main priority over choreography in the future.
  • To remain up to date on WordPress
  • To remain positive

Tuesday 12th March

Season Rehearsals

Description: Today we received our individual castings and placements for the show, followed this in season time by watching the 1975 film version of the show.

Initial thoughts:

  • I liked being able to grasp an idea of what our followed storyline would be.
  • I have been casted as a dancer in the group of ‘Paper’ as a member of the “Kit-Kat Klub”
  • I am aware that the film version carries a slightly different story to our production.

Breaking this down:


  • I liked being able to grasp an idea of what our followed storyline would be.

Knowing that possible parts of the show may change for us, being clarified after our read through tomorrow, it could be difficult to grasp what was going to be included in our version and what was being taken out. However, this gave us all a very detailed understanding of the characters and how the show fits together.

  • I have been casted as a dancer in the group of ‘Paper’ as a member of the “Kit-Kat Klub”

I think that it is a very good idea to split the dancers into smaller groups so that pieces and numbers can be divided equally. I have faith that this will make the choreography and blocking stages a lot easier.


  • I am aware that the film version carries a slightly different story to our production.

This is very normal in a circumstance like this. We can become aware of specific placements in the show once a readthrough has been carried out.

Action Plan:

  • To keep a positive and open mindset
  • To take in as much as possible when watching anything as it can help me with my site pages.

Wednesday 13th March

Season Rehearsals

Description: Our main focus today was carrying out a read through.

Initial thoughts:

  • I found it very helpful to understand our detailed storyline.
  • Claire made us aware that the vocal score will be edited to fit more harmonies.
  • We were made more aware of how the format of the show will run.

Breaking this down:


  • I found it very helpful to understand our detailed storyline.

As a dancer, I did not have to say in this rehearsal. However, I found this very beneficial and felt that I had the opportunity to take in what was going on and make my focus understanding what our process may be.

  • Claire made us aware that the vocal score will be edited to fit more harmonies.

Claire is our musical director and told us that at times the ensemble parts could be very plain. Therefore, more harmonies and vocal parts will be added into our version. This will add excitement and interest to the compact and full musical numbers.

  • We were made more aware of how the format of the show will run.

Similarly to before, I now have a high understanding of what our process of development may be up until our performance.



Evaluative Analysis:

I feel that carrying out a readthrough in the early stages of the production is key. This sets everyone in the show up and lets us all know our placements and what our storyline in particular is.

Due to my part in the show, I was mainly taking in the storyline and embracing the order and what follows on from each other. I found that this was a release of pressure as I could focus purely on getting a high understanding of our take on the musical.

Claire is making it more inclusive for everyone in the ensemble by adding more harmonies and parts for when we are singing all together or backup. This also means that it is going to be made more interesting for us and the audience due to a harder complexity.

Action Plan:

  • To familiarise myself with the possible vocals
  • To get a good idea of the numbers that will be ensemble based.

Thursday 14th March

Season Rehearsals

Description: Today we had a detailed chat with Han, talking through the context and research elements of the written work.

Initial thoughts:

  • I liked having an idea of how the final FMP work varies from our work within the previous shows.
  • I now know how the grade boundaries vary and what will be required of me to reach my target of a distinction.

Breaking this down:


  • I liked having an idea of how the final FMP work varies from our work within the previous shows.

Han explained everything in so much detail. I found this so helpful and beneficial to me and what my process is going to be. The differences between this and our other projects were also made very clear. I know my next stages and how I will need to prepare for this.

  • I now know how the grade boundaries vary and what will be required of me to reach my target of a distinction.



Action Plan:

  • To ensure that I stay up to date with all my site pages and prioritise these.
  • To find which ways work best for me to format context and research.
  • To develop my new site pages based on feedback from my last project.

Friday 15th March

Season Rehearsals

Description: Made a start on the routine ‘Tiller Girls’, learning and developing choreography, groups and spacing.

Initial thoughts:

  • I felt that I picked up the choreography very well, mostly because some was from our audition of the show.
  • I really love this style of dance and I am very excited for this and all dance routines in the show.
  • I think that we created a good base for the number. However, a lot of cleaning will need to be done with this is set for definite.

Breaking this down:


  • I felt that I picked up the choreography very well, mostly because some was from our audition of the show.

The first section of this dance is the choreography that we learnt in the audition. They chose our group of dancers to perform this today. However, this has not been confirmed. On the whole, I think that we had a good level of confidence doing this as we knew this previously.

  • I really love this style of dance and I am very excited for this and all dance routines in the show.

We learnt most pf this routine. As well as understanding this, this lets us know what the other dances may be like. I am very excited for these as I love this style and find this very fun.


  • I think that we created a good base for the number. However, a lot of cleaning will need to be done with this is set for definite.

It is very important that we get this base set first. Now this is complete, I think we are moving on to others and then completing cleaning. However, this will need to be done with Izzy in a large cleaning session so it can be at it’s best standard as soon as possible.

Evaluative Analysis:

I was very happy with this rehearsal. This was our first dance based rehearsal of the FMP. We completed a strong warm-up beforehand which set us up perfectly for the whole session. We were very warm and had a good chance at finishing the routine as the energy levels in the room were extremely high.

After this, we learnt the choreography all together, learning from my audition process I decided to focus on characteristics as Izzy our dance captain will run sessions to clean and ensure we are all doing the same. Even though this is our next step, I feel that myself and most other dancers had a great understanding of the choreography and what is required.

It was very noticeable that some people in the room were not in the best mindset. This is natural in most cases as everyone has their bad days. But, it is crucial that we do not let this impact others and try and remain positive.

The dance groupings were done very well. I feel that everyone in each group work very well together and bounce off each other’s ideas. This means that it is also easier for Rob to choreograph as it is likely that most people will be staying together and can rehearse outside of scheduled rehearsals.

Action Plan:

  • To recap choreography so I am on top of this for our next rehearsal.
  • To update my practical skills as soon as possible so that these do not fall behind.




















































































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