Week Commencing 29th April 2019

Monday 29th April

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: Working on staging the opening number of the show, Willkommen, with Rob.

Initial thoughts

  • I feel that this was very good for my character development due to all the interaction with others on stage at this point.
  • I found myself getting slightly confused on the vocal entrances and exits within the number.
  • I found it useful to run the other numbers in the show.
  • I think that we all worked very well in this session.

Breaking this Down

Good thoughts:

I felt that this rehearsal was a very productive rehearsal in which a lot was worked through. We all worked consistently hard and contributed well to achieve the outcome that we did. We know what our next steps are for the number and how, as a group, this will be reached which is very positive. I know how I can improve what effected my overall performance today, looking at vocals and entrance points with this is of equal importance to the dancing within this. Running other dances allows us to refresh on the choreography and ensure that the cleanliness of this is not lost.

Bad thoughts:

It is very important that we are all prioritising any aspects to any upcoming numbers. I noticed today that we struggled with picking up entrance points and being aware of our order within the piece. Fortunately, we know how we can fix this and will be arranging vocal rehearsals in our time, this proved that these are necessary consistently throughout the process to stay on top of our work. We had a small amount of spare time in today’s session and should have used this to run harmonies as this was very needed.

Evaluative Analysis

Overall, I feel that we worked through a successful and considerable amount in today’s session. We developed approximately half of the opening number and have another session on this soon (Friday 3rd May). We had time periods in which we were not being used as he wanted to work with the leads in the songs and I felt that this time could’ve been used in a more useful way.

This number strongly relies on the Kit Kat Klub’s interaction alongside the Emcee delivering his speeches and verses. It is key that we are all moving differently and realistically to bring the scene of the Klub to life. I personally feel that a lot more work is going to be needed vocally and we can do this in our own time. My confusion developed from the different verses and which order they appear in. a solution is listening to my recordings on repeat and hoping that we have some whole group rehearsals soon with our harmony groups.

I really enjoyed getting the chance to run everything we have done so far, I feel that this gives us the advantage to refresh ourselves on the other content so that this is not forgotten or unclean in the future, maintaining this high standard from this point onwards is key for the best progression towards opening night. I am also very happy that all rehearsals are still being filmed so we can review progress and see where small mistakes or differences appear for us to fix and clean so that this time is saved in rehearsals and not being wasted. I am hoping this number will be completed in Friday’s session so that we can make a start to the small groupings dance numbers in the show.

Action Plan:

  • To watch the recordings back and see where differences may be.
  • To update my practical skills.
  • To make costume a focus of mine.
  • To go over the lyrics at the end of ‘Money, Money’.

Tuesday 30th April

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: Running everything in order with Han, reaching Act 1 scene 11.

Initial thoughts

  • I found this session very helpful.
  • As a member of the Kit Kat Klub I found this helpful for my understanding of how everything fits together.
  • Feedback from our audience indicated that cleaning sessions are required.
  • I gathered a more clear idea of what the running order is.
  • I felt that I was at a slight disadvantage to not have brought my character shoes to this rehearsal.

Breaking this Down

Good thoughts:

I felt that this session was extremely helpful and beneficial for me. I became so much more familiar with the running order and how the show will fit together on the whole. I learnt so much more about the principals characters and how they change and develop throughout the show as well as how we (the members of the Kit Kat Klub) will fit into these parts and develop the storyline. Additionally, I was much happier with how this went in correlation to last Thursday.

Bad thoughts:

Due to not having my character shoes in this session, I feel that I may have put myself at a slight disadvantage. Additionally, I am aware that we are arranging dance rehearsals but not as may in relation to singing, this is becoming clear in rehearsals and is now being picked up on. We know what our next steps are and need to work on the specifics within this.

Evaluative Analysis

On the whole, I found that this rehearsal was very helpful and beneficial to our development of the process. I feel more confident with the running order and how everything is going to fit together. Personally, I know that this will help our efficiency and how the process speeds up towards the end. It is approximately 3 weeks until the show opens, therefore, being on top of our part and position is key to stop time wasting and help our progress and performance.

Due to my part as a member of the Kit Kat Klub, I felt that it was a lot easier to watch and to view how the beginning of our dances will fit into the performance as well as where are characterisation may differentiate. I also feel that I may need to get a sheet with prompts of orders to hold in rehearsals for current reassurance as well as a reminder of any props that I may have to move or set. This will ensure that no mistakes are made and we have a very smooth running rehearsal/show.

I found the feedback given in this rehearsal very helpful for my understanding of what may need to come next. As a company, we also know what is going to need to be worked on in any independent rehearsals. During this specific moment, our dance captain arranged a rehearsal for tomorrow morning during directed study. It was clear from our feedback that cleanliness needed work. Therefore, hopefully we will have a very in-depth cleaning rehearsal, working through a lot of choreography and leaving with a better outcome and a rehearsal arranged for the future.

We have reached a stage in which we are rehearsing with props and any necessary costume, whilst having the remainder of these in college. I feel that not having my character shoes meant that I could not truly connect with my character in the Klub, stopping/interfering with small aspects of my characterisation and differences with myself. As well as this, I felt that I am not getting the extra practise of these specific dance numbers in heals, completing all movements lightly and on my toes. I will ensure that I have these on me ASAP to benefit our development.

Action Plan:

  • Our dance captain called a dance rehearsal (after receiving feedback) for tomorrow morning, in our directed study time.
  • To have a vocal rehearsal.
  • Imply Han’s feedback.
  • Post possible hair and makeup ideas on our company ‘Cabaret’ page.

Han’s Feedback:

  1. To watch the chorus part in correlation to the Emcee and what he is doing.
  2. I am now responsible for setting a table with Maddie Beckett, this needs to be remembered for every run that follows.
  3. ‘Welcome to Berlin’ = all Kit Kat Klub members entering the stage.
  4. When transitioning into the Kit Kat Klub as well as at the start of any song remain silent whilst acting.
  5. Accent work needed in ‘Don’t tell Mama’ and ‘Mein Heir’.
  6. To work pauses into ‘Money, Money’ linking to the different stages of the music.


Wednesday 1st May 

Cabaret Rehearsals 

Description: Today we had a cleaning session in directed study time, focusing in cleaning ‘Don’t Tell Mama’ followed by finishing a run of everything that had been done so far and a costume session from 4pm onwards in season rehearsals.

Initial thoughts

  • I felt that this cleaning rehearsal was much needed and there is now clarification throughout the routine.
  • I felt that both rehearsals were very productive.
  • The vocals covered today were very neat.
  • It was a little frustrating that my ordered costumes had not arrived for this session.
  • I was very pleased that one of Cara’s dresses was a perfect fit and can be used for my day dress.

Breaking this down

Good thoughts:

I feel that the songs covered throughout the end of this run sounded very neat and tidy as well as it being clear we were all on top of our parts. I found it very useful to be able to show Han and Helena all of our costumes and have these checked, I portrayed mine on my phone. We are all now bringing in our costumes to leave at college, ensuring that these can be used at anytime and so that nothing is ever forgotten.

Bad thoughts:

I felt that I still need to do some recapping of some of the German lyrics, to keep these as accurate as possible. Other than this, I felt that we had a very positive rehearsal and worked through a lot, knowing what we need to do next for improvement.

Evaluative Analysis

I was very happy that a company rehearsal was held this morning. I feel that we worked through a considerable amount and have a very clean routine. I feel that holding a large session on ‘Don’t Tell Mama’ was most needed, giving us 100% clarification on the Fosse movements and general 1930 style. We worked through this in small chunks, deciding on when to move and where to place this, taking notes and following instructions from our dance captain Izzy. This led to a very calm, decisive and productive session, which I am hoping will become a regular occurrence, in the mornings.

I feel that the running of these songs today we were very neat and in a very good position. They are soon to be set but when standing and singing today they were excellent, in my opinion. Additionally, we received very positive feedback on these meaning that our next steps with the other songs must follow for an equal balance throughout. Personally, my biggest confusion comes from within the lyrics in German, this requires extra time and I will aim to dedicate a lot to this.

I loved discussing costumes today! I was very disappointed that mine had not arrived yet to show Han and Helena in person. However, I could still show these accurately from images on my phone, these were approved and now I just need to wait until these can be brought in and left at college. It was very fortunate that one of Cara’s brought in dresses were an excellent fit for my day dress. This meant that all my costumes were now sorted and just needed to be brought into college. Building up costumes and props are our next stages leading into show week in approximately two weeks time.

Action Plan:

  • To bring all of my costumes in ASAP.
  • To apply my feedback accurately.
  • To begin rehearsing in character shoes.
  • Watch back and reflect on any new rehearsal footage.

Feedback from Han:

Most feedback related to scenes and was indicated towards the principle characters

  1. A reminder of what myself and Maddie Beckett need to set, either before or after ‘ I Don’t Care Much’ (TBC)

Thursday 2nd May

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: Today we began with Claire, singing through a couple of songs in the show, followed by learning our group harmonies to the ‘Pineapple Song’. We finished the day with a cleaning rehearsal.

Initial thoughts

  • I felt that I picked up the harmonies well.
  • I found it useful to recap some of the other songs all together.
  • Instead of carrying out a dance rehearsal to end the day, I feel that singing was needed a little more.
  • In the gap, I wish we would’ve come together and used our time all together to go over a dance routine/ any number in the show.

Breaking this down

Good thoughts:

I found the harmonies very helpful to the piece. By this, they impacted the song with the backup vocals as well as being in a nicely placed position for us to pick these up in good time, correlating to what the principal characters are singing. I liked recapping songs to benefit our memory and to refresh ourselves for our next rehearsal.

Bad thoughts:

I would have preferred a singing rehearsal to close the rehearsal as we had a minimal set of people and I feel that we had covered what we had already cleaned. Whereas, we had not covered as much of the songs at this time. We had spare time in the middle of this session in which I felt should’ve been used more beneficially.

Evaluative Analysis

I really enjoyed learning the harmonies to this romantical number. I felt that the harmonies fitted in very well and were extremely complimentary. I was very happy that we all picked this up quickly got through these in good time. This meant that the principals and Han had time to choreograph and stage other songs with out Musical Director. However, we were then finished for today. I feel that our time today was used very unproductively at this moment in time. Personally, I feel that we all should’ve had a cleaning or harmony related session; the only aspect that would’ve prevented us from doing this was the unavailability of rooms. Next time, we will all ensure that this needs to be a priority due to the shortage of time remaining.

To conclude the rehearsal, we had a cleaning rehearsal with our dance captain. However, I feel that due to the minimal people remaining, I would’ve preferenced a singing rehearsal, focusing on harmonies within our groups. Due to all our previous group rehearsals outside of seasons, focusing on dance, singing would have majorly benefitted on terms of a definitive line or pitch.

On the whole, I feel that we should have made more use today of our extra time, due to the show coming up so quickly.

Action Plan:

  • To watch back the new cleaned version of ‘Tiller Girls’.
  • To listen to my harmonies for the ‘Pineapple song’ this evening.
  • To sing all other songs with a track as a reminder for our next rehearsals.
  • To hopefully have another cleaning session before the end of the week.

Friday 3rd May 

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: Today we worked on the number ‘Cabaret’ with Rob.

Initial thoughts

  • I am happy that most of this number was completed in this session.
  • I feel that for 3/4 of this rehearsal we were unproductive.
  • I really enjoy this choreography.
  • I liked having a chance to recap harmonies and small elements of routines in our time out of the studio.

Breaking this down

Good thoughts:

I was very happy that we managed to work through so much of this number in this session, I feel that this was a very good way to increase our productivity. I also really enjoy the performance qualities to this number, they are very fun and Fosse styled, linking to the routes behind the performance.

Bad thoughts:

I felt that we could’ve been used for more time inside the rehearsal room. Due to a few members of us not being required we were waiting outside. In this time, we could recap individually but it was a little struggle to do anything group related as there were very few of us outside.

Evaluative Analysis

I was very glad to have started and nearly finished a whole new number in this session. I feel that we had really good work ethic throughout and worked towards this goal of a finalised routine. This means that in future scheduled dance rehearsals, we will have less to complete due to this mostly being finished today.

However, Rob was mainly working with a specific group of people for most of this session. For a selected few of us, this meant waiting outside until we were needed or ready to be used. Due to the minimal amount of us, we could not run a cleaning session, but could work or practise ion anything we felt would be necessary individually. Unfortunately for us, this meant that we spent a little amount of time being unproductive. I do not think that this should’ve happened as we have just over two weeks remaining until show week and should be making as much use out of our time as possible. If this is not done, leading up to show week we will have so much more to focus on and complete.

I really enjoyed learning and performing this choreography as it is a very fun and upbeat number, meaning that we could explore the happier sides to our characters and perform with a new meaning behind us. I am hoping that the remaining couple of dances will be completed ASAP so that cleaning and piecing the show together is our main focus.

Action Plan:

  • To recap my part in this number at home.
  • To prepare for next weeks rehearsal and ensure that I have covered everything and am bringing in all costumes and props necessary.
  • To update WordPress pages.

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