Week Commencing 7th May 2019

We were not present in college on Monday due to this being a bank holiday. Therefore, no season rehearsals or lessons were carried out. 

Tuesday 8th May 

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: Today our main aim in season rehearsals was to clean as many and as much of the dances as possible.

Initial thoughts

  • I found the cleaning session very productive and helpful.
  • I think that it was a good choice to work on the end of ‘Kickline’ as this had been a reoccurring issue.
  • Felt that the session carried a negative atmosphere.
  • I feel that we got most done when Han was observing the session.

Breaking this down

Good thoughts:

I was very happy that we had the chance to carry out a two hour cleaning session today. This meant that we had the opportunity to all come together easily to clean anything which is queried. I felt very positive about the sections we decided to work on as these had been problems in which we had been meaning to revisit. Finally completing this meant that this was no longer an issue and another number had been fully cleaned and completed.

Bad thoughts:

The start to this session was very slow. Due to some cast members being needed to block and others acting as absent, it was very difficult to hold a session. Therefore, we waited approximately half an hour before making a start. The negative atmosphere created tension in the room in which is not best when trying to progress.

Evaluative Analysis

It is very rare that we will be given the opportunity to form a cleaning rehearsal in scheduled season time. I felt that it was a great disappointment to be initially missing some of our company members. However, I received the opportunity to catch myself up on any written work which was not a negative aspect. However, due to cleaning being our main priority, this had to be done. This was completed in approximately an hour and a half, as we commenced the session just after 3:30pm.

We managed to have a clear idea of what our outcome should be for the end of the session, which gave us all something to work for. However, this did not impact the atmosphere in the room (which was very negative today). I believe our negative atmosphere came from a lack of focus and respect for one another when voluntarily sharing ideas. We had been working continuously on the same part for an amount of time, in which was way longer than anticipated. However, when Han entered our rehearsal space and developed where we had gathered our thoughts, the focus in the room was reinforced and we had a better vision of what we wanted to achieve in such a short amount of time.

Due to the length of the trial and error process, it was natural for things to go wrong on a regular occurrence. We soon found a structure which was most beneficial for us all and worked on this before gathering success and leaving the session fully achieved. Watching footage back and remembering what attitude is key at this point in the process to ensure that nothing from any rehearsal is ever forgotten and that we are never backtracking but always making progress.

Action Plan:

  • I will continue to look back at rehearsal footage to ensure that nothing is forgotten.
  • To always remember my character shoes, it is very important that these are present in rehearsals at all times.
  • To try and hold as much consistency with my facial expressions when switching between routines.
  • I would like to focus on recapping vocals as I let these slip when rehearsing today.
  • To update my Site Pages.

Wednesday 9th May 

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: Today we worked through the end of act 1 and our finale with Han as well as covering some Harmonies independently towards the end.

Initial thoughts

  • This was an extremely productive session for me.
  • I really enjoy performing the finale and I am very intrigued by the way this is set.
  • I enjoyed getting to further experiment with my characters feelings in ‘Tomorrow Belongs To Me’.
  • I feel that I may need to gather more certainty with the stamps in the finale and where they are placed.

Breaking this down

Good thoughts:

I was very happy with the format of the session today and felt that we worked through a successful amount, making further progress. Additionally, I was really intrigued whilst were setting the finale as the movements and background setting were acting in a very powerful way (I am convinced and excited to receive audience feedback on this. I feel that experimentation with my character is key. Therefore, getting the opportunity to further this in today’s session was very helpful as I came to a definitive understanding.

Bad thoughts:

On the whole, I was very happy with the flow and productivity of our session today. If I could work on or change anything I did it would be on the stamps. I personally would’ve asked for reassurance on these to receive a strong and confident answer on what my direction of movement should be.

Evaluative Analysis

I felt that we had a very productive session today in which a lot was accomplished with a successful outcome. I really enjoyed learning the finale and all aspects that went a long with this. I feel that we are ending the show on a very powerful note, in which we can not let slip. There are a lot of movements in which are crucial to storytelling of this ending. Therefore, it is going to be very important for us to remember these so that this is not revisited again in depth (as a misuse of our time). However, I may have felt confident in the rehearsal with how the stamps and movements are carried out but my uncertainty grew as time went on. This means that I need to be watching back the footage to ensure that time is not spent recapping things already covered in our scheduled sessions.

I really enjoyed gathering the opportunity to recap and experiment further with ‘Tomorrow Belongs To Me’. In this rehearsal I became more decisive about my character’s negativity to the song as I developed my thoughts alongside the ‘Uta Hagen’s 9 Questions’. I believe that this would have impacted the truth behind my performance as well as accuracy when interacting with others in the room at this point.

Action Plan:

  • To watch back the footage from today to gain clarification at the points I was uncertain.
  • To consistently remember that I should be singing in a German accent throughout.
  • To ensure that regular rehearsals are being held outside of our scheduled 3-5pm sessions.

Thursday 10th May

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: Today we adapted our blocking of the ‘Party Scene’, Act 1 scene 12. Following on from this, as Han worked on ‘If You Could See Her’, individual work was carried out.

Initial thoughts

  • Felt that it was beneficial to revisit the Party Scene due to small amounts of uncertainty when this was first set.
  • I felt very confident with the added stamps.
  • We did not use the rest of our time as well as we should’ve.

Breaking this down

Good thoughts:

I was very pleased to be revisiting this specific scene and to be gathering more knowledge on my contribution to this. We worked at a very good pace with high focus levels, meaning this was finished quickly with a successful and strong outcome. I felt very confident with my adaptations to the changes and remained positive that these would be remembered well.

Bad thoughts:

I feel that there was a low level of energy in the room today. This may have impacted on our unproductive independent session following the blocking. This meant that we did not use our time wisely, putting us at a slight disadvantage when we are all aware of our limited time remaining.

Evaluative Analysis

I really enjoyed and felt that we benefitted majorly as a cast from going over all of the changes and initial blocking in the party scene. This was adapted today in more depth which provided us all with a recap of the initial blocking as well as giving us confidence with all new movement added. I found the new movement very powerful in correlation to the scene taking place as well as very intriguing. However, due to this being our second revisit of this scene, it is very important that this was all taken in and is recapped before our next performance of this (to prevent time wasting).

Due to our remaining time being independent, this could’ve been used as we wished. However, this was not used in the most beneficial way, meaning we may have wasted our time and put ourselves at a slight disadvantage, knowing how limited our remaining time is. It is very important that we are consistently finding something to do or cover as a group. Even though this may not occur as an initial problem, this may cause issues later on as we enter the weeks closest to the show.

Action Plan:

  • To revise the stamps before they are revisited to ensure that I am confident with this order.
  • To ensure that any independent working time is used wisely, to prevent little or no progress.
  • To work more on my individualism coming through when I am on stage. It is very important that their is a strong variety with characteristics (preventing similarity).

Friday 11th May

Cabaret Rehearsals

Description: We started off by running our opening number (Willkommen) and then proceeded to finish this number and ‘Cabaret’. We finished with the opportunity of running all numbers learnt so far.

Initial thoughts

  • I was very pleased and relieved that we have finally finished setting both ‘Willkommen’ and ‘Cabaret’.
  • I really enjoyed performing the new choreography added to the opening number.
  • I feel that a cleaning session will be required for ‘Cabaret’.
  • We were working in a very focused atmosphere.
  • I was pleased with how this session ran.

Breaking this down

Good thoughts:

I was very pleased and left the rehearsal very relieved to know that both numbers we had not finished yet have been finalised. This meant that we could definitely move on to cleaning in these sessions. I really enjoyed the session today and performing the new and exciting choreography, I believe that this was the vibe from most of the cast (upholding a very positive and focused rehearsal).

Bad thoughts:

I felt very unconfident when performing a section of ‘Cabaret’. However, at this moment in time there is nothing we can do to clean this number as we are aware that most of the choreography has potential for change.

Evaluative Analysis

I found that we had one of the most focused and productive sessions yet today. The whole cast was on top of what they were doing and withheld this for the whole time. We worked as a cast and with our choreographer to develop choreography for both ‘Willkommen’ and ‘Cabaret’. These were numbers in which were waiting to be finalised. Therefore, I feel that it was a success to have finally completed this in our session. The new choreography was exciting and stylitic, making it very fun to learn, pick-up and perform. We now know which atmosphere is best to work in for a better and fast outcome and hopefully we can hold this for the time remaining.

I believe that as much time as possible should be spent on the cleaning process to ensure that everything is to it’s highest standard. However, there are still some things Han wishes to look over for a stronger performance. On the whole, we are all very pleased to have completed these numbers and hope that we can be very productive throughout the cleaning sessions.

Action Plan:

  • To recap the finalised choreography for both ‘Willkommen’ and ‘Cabaret’, to prevent this dropping in certainty and confidence.
  • To ensure that all my pages are up to date.
  • I intend to consistently practise my harmonies in the German accent, to prevent this from slipping when naturally singing throughout the show.

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