Monday 24th September- We continued to set and stage “Blast from the past” and added a section of partner work which appears towards the end of the video. We focused on this routine for all of the rehearsal.

I appear from 0:08-1:13.

I believe that this rehearsal went very well and showed an increasing amount being done. We added one of he most intense partner sections here, also developing and adding to the beginning section we had previously marked.

On a performance level, I believe that everybody was dancing full out with an understanding of what comes next.

When watching this back, I notice that we are all adapting to the zombie figures very well. Additionally, we are picking up the choreography well and taking direction from Rob. Also, this video shows us what we need to improve on as a group and develop so that we can begin the new cleaning progress with our dance captains.

Tuesday 25th September- We focused on the cleaning of “Blast from the past”. We worked with the dance captain Maddie to do this, focusing on technique and precision as well as spacing. This was the main objective for the rehearsal.

I believe that throughout this recording, the main objective was to apply corrections to the routine, working with one of our dance captains Maddie. We ran to a certain point and worked on feedback throughout this clip.

I believe that we are all performing well, but reserving our energy to be able to dance full out after this cleaning session.

I appear from 0:00-1:02 and 1:23- 1:42.

Wednesday 26th September- After finishing speaking through our independent work on our Uta Hagen, we recapped our routine and continued to clean. I feature throughout the whole Video.

I appear from 0:00-0:52.

Throughout this clip, we are performing the cleaned routine from our previous rehearsal, allowing Maddie and Han to pick up on any small elements of the routine to improve on.

I believe that everybody was trying very hard to dance their best and remember everything that was changed or cleaned so that we can progress and move on.

Thursday 27th September- We recapped our songs that we had already learnt and went over our harmonies. Here is a voice recording of us singing the full learnt version of “Enrico Fermi High”.

Video 1: I appear from 0:02- 3:04

Video 2: I appear from 0:01- 0:34

Video 3: I appear from 0:00-0:23

I believe that we all worked with concentration to work through “Enrico Fermi High” speedily with corrections along the way from Claire. We also worked well individually, following the score for all 3 numbers and asking if we became stuck.

At times, we were singing full out. However, at other points our confidence was lower on parts. However, this put us in the position where we now know what we need to work on for these songs.

Friday 28th September- We continued to stage “Blast from the past”, focusing on the choreography on the change of tempo. We worked closely with Rob and our dance captains. Here is evidence of us recapping the new choreography:

When watching this back I notice that we are listening to our harmony parts and focusing so that we have the best possible chance of getting our harmony’s correct. We are working well and taking directions well from Claire here, our progress is excellent.

I appear in this from: 0:00-0:45.

I appear in this from: 0:00-1:55.

The first video, shows us working as a team to grasp the concept of the new, slower section as Jonny approaches Toffee. Working through this and focusing throughout, meant that we had a good understanding of the new timings and transitions.

When we had put the new section with as much as we had completed, it was crucial we danced full out to fix any immediate mistakes and see how it fits together, this was successful.

Monday 1st October- We began to stage the opening number Enrico Fermi High, developing the movement content. We additionally finalised “Blast from the past” finishing the number as a whole.

I appear from 0:00- 1:58.

We added more to the routine, continuing from Friday. We all worked very well and remembered everything very well.

This was the end of the rehearsal. Therefore, we were all dancing full out to focus on transitions as well as fix any problems which occur as we perform with the new sections.

Tuesday 2nd October- We began to work on “As good as it gets”, working through the song as a whole and developing our individual harmony lines.

I appear from 0:00-0:48, singing with the whole company throughout the whole video.

This was our first session on this musical number. We worked with determination and high levels of concentration, following Claire and reading our sheet music as well as recording our harmonies along the way.

I believe that as soon as we recap our harmonies our confidence will improve. As we have just learnt the number our volume is lower. However, as we continue to run this and adapt to changing harmony lines we will increase in volume and begin to add dynamics.

Wednesday 3rd October- We continued to stage Enrico Fermi High, working our way through the song, adding extra choreography and working on how the characters fit in their lines to the music. The evidence shows us working on these movements and adding new choreography taught by Jessica and Maddie.

I appear throughout the first and second video.

Video 1: 0:00-0:49

Video 2: 0:00-0:44

This video shows us specifically working on the challenging section of time management, working together to fit the music alongside the movement. This gradually got a lot neater as we ran it continuously.

I believe that this works very well and looks very effective. Working through this, meant that our timing could be perfect alongside how to perform each individual step very accurately. We improved on this throughout the session.

Thursday 4th October- Today in season Rehearsals, we worked on the song “Rules, Regulations and respect”. We also did the encore and reprise of this. This was done with Claire and was the focus of the rehearsal.

Friday 5th October- Today in seasons, we finished the choreography for the opening number “Enrico Fermi High”, developing choreography, editing parts and setting staging further.

I appear from 0:00-0:46, 2:02- 4:12.

In this video, I think that we worked particularly well to grasp the flow of the routine and how everything will fit together throughout the routine. We were able to dance full out to see if any problems occurred. This clip also shows us what may need cleaning and working on throughout.

When watching this back, I notice that we all have a high understanding of what we are doing throughout. It is also clear that our confidence is growing throughout as this is getting neater. We need to keep the energy up and go over this in our own time so that it remains at this standard.

Monday 8th October- Today in season rehearsals, we worked on learning the choreography for “This is as good as it gets”. We worked through the whole song. We just have approximately 4 bars of 4 to finish. The video’s from today’s rehearsal appear as the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th in the playlist.

I appear throughout these 4 videos for the full recorded time.

Video 5: 0:00- 0:30

Video 6: 0:00-0:41

Video 7: 0:00-0:53

Video 8: 0:00-1:48

I think that these videos show our progress being made and our development throughout the process. I think that we made great progress which is very visible from the first to final video. We added a large amount of choreography and all became more confident as we continued to perform this.

When watching these back, I notice that…

Tuesday 9th October- Today in season Rehearsals for the last hour we focused on cleaning “As good as it gets”.

I appear from 0:00-1:52.

I believe that this run of the number shows a major difference with all the cleaning done in the session. We are performing neatly as a group and grasping the placement of each movement and our spacing. I think that we performed this well and managed to get through the number comfortably as a group.

Wednesday 10th OctoberToday in seasons we mostly worked on cleaning “Blast from the past”. We also worked in groups on cleaning harmonies and recapped “As good as it gets” as a company. This is video of us marking “Blast from the Past” in the cleaning process.

I appear from the beginning to end of this clip (0:00-2:31).

I think that this video is very helpful. It shows that we all have grasped the choreography and are beginning to consider special awareness. This was a big turning point in the process as we are becoming more confident and can now mark the routine, with the confidence that we could do it full out correctly when required.

Thursday 11th October- Today we ran “As good as it gets” to ensure we could remember what we had previously done in the rehearsal before.  After this, we did harmony work and learnt a new line for Eddie’s song.

I appear in the recording of this from 0:00-1:49.

This video shows us running the routine after cleaning. We are all very aware of where our placements and spacings should be. However, at points mistakes were being made in the video. This shows us what we need to go home and recap our choreography, allowing us to be on top of what we are doing at all times.

Friday 12th October- Today in season rehearsals, we continued to work on “Rules, Regulations and Respect”.  This video shows us running the routine whilst working with Rob to fix anything before the final run. Everything began to fit together really well as we began to run it at this point.

I appear from 0:50-3:01.

This video shows us running this number. We ran every part that we had choreographed and staged so far. We are all performing the choreography very well and portraying the story in this particularly well. This shows that we have the ending to finish to complete the song. However, this is very little left to finish. Therefore, minimal time will be required.

Monday 15th October- Today in season Rehearsals we continued to work on “Rules, Regulations and Respect”. We worked very well and are on the final phrase. This video shows us nearly finishing the routine and fixing small things with Rob as we perform it. This shows us what we need to work on as well as how much progress has been made.

I appear in this video from 0:49- 3:00.

This video particularly portrays how much we have progressed when performing this number. We are all performing with confidence in our movements and choices. Therefore, we are performing with a lot of energy throughout. However, we are still aware of what needs fixing and adding to this routine.

Tuesday 16th October- Today after working with Claire, we worked with Han on our first cleaning session of “Rules, Regulations and Respect”. This video shows us performing the routine as our final level of cleaning for the day.

I appear from 1:15-3:25.

This video shows us performing for the final time this day. We had an intense cleaning session and performed full out at the end. We focused on any changes or perfections to improve the routine. It is now looking extremely clean and we will soon be ready to add the ending.

Wednesday 17th October- Today we worked with Han until 4:15, we worked on the transition from the end of “Enrico Fermi High” to “Ain’t no going back”. We focused on both the ensemble parts and the duet between Jonny and Toffee. This video shows us working through this in full.

I appear from 0:00-0:38 and 4:00-4:42.

We began something new here. This video particularly shows how the start of the show fits together. We are now seeing smooth entrances and exits from the first 3 numbers. The ensemble members could now see how the scenes fit into this and their placements in the numbers. We need more energy in these sections. However, as it was being learnt we were all grasping the concept first.

When watching this back, I notice that we all have a high understanding of the choreography and are working well together as well as singing throughout. This also shows that once we stage the final moments of the number, this piece will be complete.

Thursday 18th October- Today in season Rehearsals we focused on singing. However, at lunch we worked with Jess and Maddie on “Jonny don’t go to the nuclear plant”. We managed to get through our whole section.

I appear from 0:00-0:50-52

We all picked up the choreography for this very well and performed with energy when we were learning and performing this. We were aware of any mistakes made and what needs cleaning in the next couple of rehearsals. We worked well with Maddie and Jess. This video particularly shows us working on fitting the chorography to the music when running it.

Friday 19th October- Today in season rehearsals we ran as much of the show as we had staged. We ran from “Enrico Fermi High” to “Blast From The Past”. This video shows us working through this as a whole.

I appear from 0:00-0:52, 2:13- 4:32, 7:44- 8:30, 12:22- 13:13, 13:35- 15:13, 19:40- 21:54, 22:21- 24:28.

This video is very crucial to our rehearsal. It shows us fitting everything together that we have done so far and working on our individual placements within this. We performed well. It was our first time performing things in order. Therefore, mistakes were made and we could see what needs improving within this first section. We picked up the orders from previous rehearsals very well. Therefore, it was smooth running with Rob leading the rehearsal and helping us out.

Monday 29th October- Today in season rehearsals we worked on “That’s the beat for me”. Myself, the other secretaries, Eddie, Eddie assistant, Josh and Sheila worked with Han to stage the number. We managed to work through a good amount of this with a very small section left to finish. We took directions from Han for this very well.

I appear from 2:20-3:00, 3:13-3:18, 3:38-5:21.

This video shows us running the number at the end of our rehearsal. We performed well but at times became stuck and forgot what we were doing. However, we always managed to pick this back up and from a camera point of view it is not obvious. We worked well s a team and kept the energy up when running this.

Tuesday 30th October- Today in season rehearsals we finished the number “That’s the beat for me”. We also cleaned the first half of this that we had already staged. This improved how neat our performance was and our timing as a group. We finished this, working very well as a team, performing with energy and as full out as possible.

There is no video evidence of this.

Wednesday 31st October- Today in season rehearsals we ran through “That’s the beat for me”, perfecting any issues and running this full out with the scenes involved. We were not involved in running “Blast from the past”, as the secretaries do not take part in this number. However, we sang from the wings.

I appear from 2:10-2:47, 3:50-6:01

This video shows us performing the routine to the rest of the company. We tried our best to perform full out and imply any corrections and cleaning points given. We made a few mistakes, but this lets us know what we need to work on for the routine to be at its best standard.

When watching this back, I notice that there are times where our movements are not exactly in time. However, as soon as we have a cleaning session we can decide on particular timings and where our movements are placed.

Thursday 1st NovemberToday in season rehearsals we worked on “Where do we go from here?”, changing the choreography and adapting the routine with Han so that it is more interesting. This meant that we had new movements to remember and adapt. We mostly did this for the sections towards the end of the piece.

This is the first video in the playlist.

I appear from 0:00- 2:10. 

This video shows us performing the number a group after the changes had been made by Han. We grasped this very quickly and managed to perform the number as a whole. We perform well. However, as we were focused on the choreography, our energy was not high enough and we were not going full-out. But, this sets us in the place for next rehearsal to focus on the performance element of this. 

Friday 2nd November- Today in season rehearsals we worked on the start of act two, choreographing, staging and fitting the music with any dialogue. We worked with Rob for this rehearsal.

I appear from 0:00- 0:35, 0:56- 2:47, 3:07- 4:41, 5:00- 6:33, 6:55- 8:52

This video shows us running as much as we had completed in the rehearsal with the tracks. We performed well and remembered our staging. However, there are parts that need fixing and cleaning.

Monday 5th November- Today in season Rehearsals we continued to work on the number “Then came Jonny”, we finished this until our exit. Then, we moved to work with Han for the final section of “Its alive”. We had a very successful rehearsal

I appear from 0:00- 0:43, 1:04- 5:23. 

This video shows us running the number as a whole once it had been fully choreographed. We performed this well and remembered many aspects of the performance. We were on top of choreography, remembered spacing and were very aware of times that were in slow motion. We also reacted well to the scenes and everybody was grasping that it is key to be acting throughout this number for the whole time. 

Tuesday 6th November- Today in season rehearsals, we did a full run of act 1 for the first time. We performed this but then received feedback afterwards from Han and took notes. This was the main objective for the rehearsal.

This is video 3 on the playlist. 

This shows part 1 of our run. 

I appear from 0:00- 1:20, 2:40- 5:09, 8:55- 9:40.

This video shows us running from the beginning of the show until “Ain’t no going back”. We perform this fluidly and grasp how it all fits together very well. We all hold the energy well but are then aware of what we need to fix when Han gives us feedback and we watch ourselves back. 

When watching this back, I notice that the transitions are beginning  to come together as we are all aware of when we need to be on stage. Additionally, I notice where I may need to fix minor things for the next time this is run. I notice that we are all working well together and helping one another out throughout. I also see that there are vocal harmony parts which were lost. However, this can easily be fixed.

Wednesday 7th November- Today in season rehearsals we worked with Han in E.0.44 and began to stage the number “Come join us”, we focused particularly on the movement content as well as placing people. This meant that we could spend further rehearsals cleaning and adapting the roles of our characters throughout this piece.

Today’s rehearsal is number 8 on this playlist. 

I appear from 0:00-0:32

This video shows us working through the first section of choreography before we take a moment to perform alongside the “Makeup artists”. We were specifically developing the movement content that we had here to fit with the fast, demanding and upbeat tempo that this piece of music has.

Thursday 8th November- Today in season rehearsals we worked on the number “How Can I say Goodbye?” with Han. However, we worked well and quickly meaning that we could go and join the rest of the company in T.00.7 to develop the numbers “Blast from the Past” and “It’s Alive”.

I only feature in video 2 of the playlist.

I appear from 1:58- 2:36, 2:55- 3:11

This video shows us working through the choreography originally and making sure that everyone is on top of what they are doing (confident with the choreography). Following on from this, we then ran the routine to put our cleaning into practise. We are performing well and all seem to be understanding the choreography to a high standard, meaning that our performance looks very neat and slick.

When watching this back, we are all aware of what we need to individually fix and work on as a group. I think that we also notice that the placements could be neater and we need to be confident with our entrances and exits throughout to further benefit the routine.

Friday 9th November- Today in season rehearsals we worked on the number “Isn’t it”, focusing on staging and development.

I am in this video. However, I am in the right hand corner partnered with Felicity and we are not caught in the shot.  I appear from 4:20- 6:37, 7:30- 9:45.

This video shows us running the choreography for the first time and taking notes from this whilst working through. Once we had done this, we continued to run this again for the final time in the rehearsal to ensure it was neat and we were confident with our choices.

Monday 12th November- Today at lunchtime we had a rehearsal to clean the finale and work on any queries that anyone had within the number. Jess and Maddie focused on cleaning the movements and teaching the boys their routine for their small section.

I appear from 0:00- 1:12, 1:36- 2:54

This video shows us running the routine in the final moments of the rehearsal. We were doing this to watch our progress and ensure that everyone had remembered what we had been over and cleaned.

When watching this back, I notice that we made vast improvements from when this was originally performed. We had neat movements. However, we all need to recap this as their are times when people may be unaware of their placements or what comes next. Also, we just need to finish the very final section of this.

Tuesday 13th November- Today in season rehearsals we worked from “Isn’t it” to “Zombie Prom”, developing the order and focusing on how it all comes together as a whole.

This rehearsal was not filmed.

Wednesday 14th November- Today in season rehearsals we began by discussing costumes. However, we ran everything that we had staged yesterday to make sure everything was fluid and we had all remembered everything successfully.

I appear from 1:25- 15:14

This video shows us running the show from the start of “Isn’t it” to the very end of “Zombie Prom”. We all worked well and had a good understanding of what we were doing. This also allowed us to know where we need to be at all times and what we need to individually work on.

Thursday 15th November-  Today in season rehearsals we completed our first full run of act two. This went very well overall and we are all aware of what we need to work on.

No-one was available to film this rehearsal. Therefore, we have no footage of this rehearsal.

Friday 16th November-  Today in season rehearsals, I was not present as I was performing with Amado.

Therefore, I have no evidence from this.

Monday 19th November-  Today in season rehearsals we cleaned and worked through every dance number in the show. We managed to tidy most things and refresh ourselves on what we need to be doing and what our placements are in every rehearsal. This was successful. We are making great progress and trying very hard.

I appear from 0:00-3:05

This video shows us running the final number of the show. We ran the number “Zombie Prom”, this appeared to be very neat and everyone was on top of their positions and the order of the routine. I think that the cleaning sessions had a major impact. I was very happy with how this all went.

When watching this back, I notice that we are all performing well and on top of what we are doing as well being very aware of our surroundings. There are small elements which I can now see need fixing. However, we can do this very soon.

Tuesday 20th November–  Today in season rehearsals we did a full run of act one. This was fluid and we are all very confident with the order of the performance and where we need to be at all times. This shows us working well as a team and trying our hardest to perform with energy. We are preparing to do a full run soon.

These videos shows us working through the whole of act one and performing our second run of this. We are all performing well and have picked up the order and how the show will flow very well.

When watching this back, I notice that there are small moments which may need recapping or fixing. But, this is our job to raise this to our dance captains and make them aware of this.

Video 1: 0.10-1:33, 2:55-5:11, 8:20-9:12

Video 2: 2:37-6:47

Video 3: 2:11-6:19

Video 4: N/A

Video 5: 2:00-5:50

Video 6: 1:08-3:33

Wednesday 21st November–  Today in season rehearsals we were not being used by Han. Therefore, we focused on working through things we were less sure of. We took it upon ourselves to ask questions and go through things with our dance captains that we wanted clarification on or wanted to clean.

I appear from 0:00-0:18

This video shows us working through the number “Come join us”. We are specifically running this here so that we are confident with it before going full out.

When watching this back, I notice that we made mistakes. However, I think this was due to not running this for a while. We knew the routine but got muddled. We now know what parts we have the tendency to get wrong and what needs to be worked on again.

From now on, any footage which regards the shows or any tech/dress runs will be placed and evaluated on my Evaluation and Reflection Pages.

3 thoughts on “PRACTICAL SKILLS – Zombie Prom”

  1. You have a good amount of rehearsal footage, Emily and the timings are really useful. You just need to expand your explanations under each clip/image slightly to explain not only what you are showing but also how you think it went.
    A really good start, well done!


  2. More great content Emily and you have expanded your explanations but I still would like you to reflect more i.e. when you watch yourself back do you notice / change / learn anything? If so what, how and why? This will give you access to higher marks.


  3. This is still a strong Merit level and the only thing missing for moving to Distinction is specific detail i.e. ‘When watching this back, I notice that there are small moments which may need recapping or fixing’ – what small moments? How will you fix it? Why do you need to recap it? This is a common theme throughout. A great level of content though and you are identifying all the right things but just being a bit too general for distinction at the moment.


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